
Goals for 2016

“New Year, new you!”

That’s what they say anyway. Rather than trying to create a new you, why not focus on improving what you already have? Ditch the vague resolutions. Set career and personal goals that are quantifiable benchmarks to work towards. Then find a way to reward yourself when you achieve them!


  • Use my new free time wisely. Invest it in people and activities that will enrich my mind as well as my heart.


cat computer

  1. Improve my overall attitude, including at work. Focus on being more responsive vs. reactive, remembering not to take things personally.
  2. Complete a class in graphic design/marketing and learn how to use the Adobe Creative Suite better.
  3. Read 12 new books, including 6 nonfiction biographies of people I can learn from.
  4. Be a content creator and add to the conversation. Blog at least 52 times. If not once a week, enough posts to have done so!
  5. Get 10 free products to test for the blog.


cat tv

  1. Travel: Visit 1 new country and 3 new places in the states. Ideas include Philly, Charleston, Chicago, somewhere in Maine.
  2. Find 3 new bands I like, all on my own. Develop my own taste in music, look on festival sites for small up-and-coming bands.
  3. When I’m ready, go on a date with 3 different types of people.
  4. Watch all 8 Harry Potter movies. (Very enriching.)
  5. Cut down on clutter: Give away/consign 1 item for every item I purchase. Shop less in general.


  • Detach from screens more. Put my phone away when with friends and only check it once every half hour throughout the day. Develop hobbies that don’t involve electronics.

There were so many other things I wanted to add to the list, but you can’t focus on everything at once. Once these things are mastered, we can talk about next year.

Keep it classy,

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