
“Goals for 2017” or “How I’m Not Going to Massively Fail at Keeping New Year’s Resolutions in 2017 Like I Did in 2016”

New Year’s resolutions are a marketing ploy designed by the gym and athletic equipment industries to shame us into buying their wares. That is, if you look at it the way the world looks at Valentine’s Day. Really, how many of us keep these resolutions? 2016 was a bit of a wash – massive strides personally,… Continue reading “Goals for 2017” or “How I’m Not Going to Massively Fail at Keeping New Year’s Resolutions in 2017 Like I Did in 2016”


Weird Things We All Do That We Think Nobody Else Does

Sometimes I think too much. Every once in a while I’ll do something and afterwards stop to think, “Was that weird? I’m pretty sure that was weird.” That AHA! moment in a conversation where your friend is telling an embarrassing story and you go, “I thought that was just me!” It’s not just you. 1.… Continue reading Weird Things We All Do That We Think Nobody Else Does

Fashion · Life · Save or Splurge

5 Ways to Find the Best Deals on RueLaLa and HauteLook

Don’t read this post if you don’t want to fill your closet with designer finds for 80% off. It’s actually become a problem, I have so many clothes! Friends are always asking how I can afford to dress the way I do. We’ve all got student loans, credit cards, bills and entertainment to pay for.… Continue reading 5 Ways to Find the Best Deals on RueLaLa and HauteLook

Life · Life Questions

10 Skills Every 20-Something Needs to Master in 2016

1. Be on time Every time. If you work from 9:00am-5:00pm, that doesn’t mean getting in at 9:15am and leaving at 4:55pm. For tips on how to be on time regularly, Fast Company shared some great habits. Be realistic about how long it takes you to do something. If ONE TIME you once got up,… Continue reading 10 Skills Every 20-Something Needs to Master in 2016

Beauty · Save or Splurge

Amopé v. Pumice: Save or Splurge?

Pedicures are such a pain in the winter. You’re wearing pants and boots, you have to sit under the dryer forever so that you don’t ruin the polish putting on boots and it’s just awkward. It takes what should be a very relaxing experience and makes it exasperating. In general, feet and foot-related products are… Continue reading Amopé v. Pumice: Save or Splurge?


5 Weird Reasons You’re Breaking Out

Recently, my best friend came to me and said, “I don’t get it, I’m breaking out like crazy! It’s even leaving scars!” She’s always had the terrific skin in our relationship, so I was shocked. The conversation moved on but a few days later remembered her problem and texted her some outside the box solutions.… Continue reading 5 Weird Reasons You’re Breaking Out